Saturday, June 28, 2008


As I've said before, I've been watching a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently (well, if "a lot" means "when I'm not reading or dead tired from work"). It always seemed a little odd to me that Buffy had time to go to school, do enough homework to pass her classes, perform her slayer duties, hang out with her friends at the Bronze, see Angel and sleep. Willow also, she does more homework than Buffy, but still has a boyfriend, goes to the Bronze, practices her witchcraft, all sorts of stuff.

Granted, this is a television show, and specific episodes are only a snapshot of the fictional lives of these characters, but I've never been able to figure out how they can do so much. Maybe it's because they never watch tv. Maybe it's because it's television and they never have to clean or eat or shower, except when it feeds the script. Maybe they just have energy I'll never have.

It's funny that it takes watching a tv show about people who don't watch television to make you think about how much else you could be doing.

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