Friday, June 20, 2008


On returning from a visit to the largest blueberry farm in Oregon, I feel strangely creative, like if I don't do start a project, it'll come oozing out of my pores and get my life all sticky. I learned so much these past two days about myself, about farming and blueberries and farmers, about photography and questions and writing. Learning like this always inspires something in me.

But there was another factor, the away-ness of the farm. The house was a little island amidst blueberry fields, with the most splendid garden I've seen in person and a little pond ringed with yellow irises. There were three swans and a signet, a heron, a bluejay, so many reminders of a world so much bigger and more perfect than myself. And the people, they were so calm, even though the busiest 6 weeks of their year is right around the corner; grounded, I think they learn from their farm and their fruit.

I am inspired by people who genuinely love their work, who take no bullshit, who connect with what is truly real and intransitory. My mind is spinning.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I feel strangely creative, like if I don't do start a project, it'll come oozing out of my pores and get my life all sticky.
Heh heh, I can relate. I felt something similar a few weeks ago. Since then, I've been hopelessly preoccupied (hopefully not too much) with doing almost all things creative: sketching, doodling, coloring, basically filling up my once very-dormant sketchbook with stuff. Have fun with the creativity!

I'm glad you've been learning a lot. This recent trip sounds amazing.

I am inspired by people who genuinely love their work, who take no bullshit, who connect with what is truly real and intransitory.
I second that. As someone with an office job that I don't hate but don't love either, I find it all the more admirable when people do what they love, and love what they do. Work isn't just work for them, and I envy that.