Sunday, June 22, 2008


I just started reading The Omnivore's Dilemma, inspired by a passing comment from photographer D on Thursday. While I've only read to page 71, Michael Pollan's point has already wormed its way into my head (and I don't think it's going anywhere).

Perhaps the reason this book has so much influence on me is that I just returned from two days on a farm. I never grew up around agriculture (except for the occasional season of hay across the street), and being able to see the enormous amount of love and passion that goes into even a small farm makes my heart break for the farmers in Iowa who futilely grow corn for the rest of us (or at least for the system).

To see such down-to-earth and lovely people exploited for the gains of whoever ('cause it's definitely not the nutritional gains of the final consumer) sets me on edge. Grr.

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