Tuesday, August 26, 2008


In honor of my 25th post...no, not really. I think it's rad that I made it to 25 without taking a major hiatus and getting bored. Perhaps that's because I refuse to nail down this blog to one topic; tried that once and it didn't work very well.

But without further ado, I've decided to start posting outfits. What I wore today. Because as I read my blogroll, bloggers like Queen Michelle and The Clothes Horse have common threads that run through their clothing. Style, I think it's called. I have yet to discover what mine is, and I think I'll have an easier time of it if I have material to analyze. Which means outfit photos. And I'll be presumptuous enough to put them on the intertubes.

26 August 0826 August 08

Dress & Belt: stolen from my mom.
Shirt: Forever 21.
Necklace: Nordstrom.
Shoes: Star Ling via Nordstrom.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Congrats on going 25 posts without a hiatus! I like your outfit (esp. the necklace). Looking forward to more outfit shots. :)