Monday, August 25, 2008


When I first decided to try the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, I didn't think I could do it. And truly, the first week was really hard--I was hungry and cranky and was never really satisfied. But as time progressed, I got used to eating veggies instead of bread and nuts & honey instead of chocolate. It was easy avoiding pasta and rice--I never much liked them anyway--but the craving for cupcakes or a thick piece of crusty bread spread with butter, those consumed many an evening.

My allotted 30 days expired on Friday. My first swallow as a free eater was a McDonald's milkshake. Yes, it's true. Unfortunately. And the weekend was filled with cake and hamburgers and Grandma's cookies. My eating habits weren't the way I had planned my reintroduction to "normal food," but they worked. I was never so happy for a breakfast comprising mainly of cantaloupe in my life.

While I don't remember a point in the last month where I said to myself "Egads, self, you're feeling rather fit today!", after a weekend of ingesting crap, I could feel it. Today I ate back with the diet (and had cashews with lunch--I have discovered that I can eat nuts now, and it's a beautiful thing) and it's like the universe has realigned. Well, my universe, at least.

This weekend I'm going to make myself bread with whole grain flour and see how that goes. Bread is the one thing I really miss.

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