Thursday, July 31, 2008


Lately I've been thinking about writing. Especially with Breaking Dawn coming out tomorrow, I know I've been thinking (along with half the intertubes) that if SMeyer can get published, so can I. But it's more than that; I've been thinking about writing in little chinks of time at work, or when I'm walking with my mother.

Today I found some notes I took about a story idea. I had no idea I'd been writing that much down, because I've been taking mental notes for the past couple months. I used to be terrified that it couldn't build from a vague idea into a cohesive story and world, but I'm discovering that the more I just let it roll around in my head, the more ideas I'm getting. Now I have concepts I want to research. And that'll spawn even more ideas.

Quantum physics, here I come.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Many elaborate rituals were used to identify a vampire. One method of finding a vampire's grave involved leading a virgin boy through a graveyard or church grounds on a virgin stallion — the horse would supposedly balk at the grave in question.[24] Generally a black horse was required, though in Albania it should be white.[31] Holes appearing in the earth over a grave were taken as a sign of vampirism.

(Just did your research for you)