Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Started the diet today with pretty much no planning. In retrospect, this may or may not have been the best idea. It was good that I didn't plan, because I didn't have any time to talk myself out of it, or procrastinate while I stocked up the perfect pantry. It was bad, because I really don't have that many legal foods to snack on, and any pantry basics (like almond flour, honey and natural peanut butter) that might aid in making food I still need to acquire.

In a fit of irony, my work chose this day to feed a training session roast beef, gravy and mashed potatoes (currently the bane of my existence, I love them so much). There were, of course, leftovers. Very fragrant, yummy-smelling leftovers. Also, cookies.

But! I discovered today that beans are legal, and so is squash. And I think having restrictions to what I can eat (carbs are at least half my diet as of yesterday) will propel me to more adventurous eating. Hello, mushrooms.

I went to the grocery store on my lunch break to find some food, and I never really realized how many processed products there are with sugar. Or corn syrup. It's everywhere. Even in plain ol' beef jerky.

Excuse me while I go to the store for some beans to make refried beans. Mmm. I am determined to figure out some sort of tortilla substitute. I will not go years without quesadillas or enchiladas.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Starting anything cold turkey is tough. I wish you the best of luck in your dietary venture. :)

Yeah, it's amazing how frequently (high fructose) corn syrup finds its way into stuff in the grocery store. It's in everything edible, really, with the exception of organic products and fresh produce. And maybe meat. It's frustrating. But that's processed foods for ya.