Friday, May 30, 2008


After blog hopping at least three times in the past fortnight, I think I've finally settled on a name and concept. The inspiration for the title I will keep to myself for now (sharing my poetry is not something I do willingly anymore). My goal for this blog is to get myself to write about anything, write to improve, to learn, to be. I want to be be able to look back and read the little quirks in my days, how my thoughts have changed and how I have changed myself.

This past two weeks has seen me devouring more than my share of books. This excites me, as I got burned up during my last literature course (8 Victorian novels in a little less than three months), and refused to read anything more substantial than Twilight for four months. Then, over spring break, I read three books (Breaking the Vicious Cycle, The Neverending Story & The Sound and the Fury). So I set my hat for Dune, which I had been attempting to read for the last year (woe, I am shamed). Read it. Finished the last half at a remarkable clip, I might add.

The problem with finishing an amazing book is that it leaves a huge void in one's life. Almost the minute I put it down, I was itching for another book to read, one that could capture my imagination as much as Dune did. So that night, when I found PDF copies of the Twilight sequels, the inevitable occurred. I read those two books in five days, on top of classes, two part-time jobs and a giant Illustrator project. And then I couldn't get them out of my head (even though the end of Eclipse pissed me off so bad, I wanted to burn the book...but that's a story for another time). Because I wanted to shake off the horrible sparkly vampire infestation, I read That Extra Half Inch (informative and entertaining) and The Next Thing on my List (only mildly inspiring & totally forgettable) over the next two days. It didn't help. But I read a remarkable amount of books considering my workload.

And it makes me happy.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go read Sunshine by Robin McKinley.

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